A Love Letter to our Guests And Thank You to Vote Us Best of the Best Top 25 Hotels
Ever since we, two Aruba-born twin sisters, took over Boardwalk in 2011 while it was a very low key vacation retreat and surfers paradise with 13 casitas and a total staff of six, we made it our mission to deliver the best possible service, overall cleanliness and most memorable vacation experiences in Aruba.

From surf retreat to boutique hotel
Fast forward to 2024. We didn’t sit still over the last thirteen years. Improvements included a major overhaul of our overall product and amenites, rebranding to a boutique hotel, expanding to 48 casitas and a staff of 50+, adding a dedicated beach for Boardwalk guests and an all-day restaurant and bar, The Coco Café. Needless to say our following on social media and review platforms grew simultaneously.
Travelers choice awards 2024 - best of the best
And this is where YOU, dear reader of this blog and visitor of this website and most likely (return)visitor of our boutique hotel in Aruba, come in. Because you appreciate Boardwalk so much and leave so many raving and positive, heartwarming reviews that make us want to do a little happy dance every single time we receive one (and that’s the truth), our hotel made the Top 10 on TripAdvisor’s Travelers Choice Awards Best of the Best in April 2024, celebrating the highest level of excellence in travel.

it fills us with much pride and joy, and especially with a deep appreciation for YOU, to announce to you that Boardwalk made the 2024 Best of the Best Top 25 Hotels in the Caribbean. This ranking was made possible because of you, your dedication to Boardwalk and your efforts to leave an overwhelming number of positive reviews of our hotel and services on TripAdvisor, and many other platforms. Therefore, this blog is dedicated to you, to say masha danki, thank you for your loyalty and support.
Bring good vibes and happiness
Your amazing comments, feedback and reviews are a testiment of the happiness you experience while vacationing and staying with us. This is ultimately what drives our team. It’s no coincidence that part of our mission statement is to “…genuinely bring good vibes and happiness to our guests, our people, our community and our planet, in an easygoing and barefoot luxury atmosphere.”

Boardwalk hotel ranks nr 6 best caribbean hotels
TripAdvisor’s Travelers Choice Awards Best of the Best celebrates the highest level of excellence in travel. It’s awarded to hotels that receive a high volume of above-and-beyond reviews and opinions from the Tripadvisor community over a 12-month period. Out of 8 million TripAdvisor listings, fewer than 1% achieve this milestone. Of the 25 top hotels in the Caribbean that made the exclusive list, Boardwalk proudly ranks nr. 6.

Focus on the guest experience
On behalf of the entire Boardwalk staff, we extend our sincerest thanks. We truly are extremely grateful to receive such wonderful reviews and accollades across all channels from happy guests like yourselves. It leaves the team even more motivated to focus on the guest experience and continue to evaluatate your feedback to even further improve.
Wishing you many returns and happy vacations at Boardwalk Aruba in the near future!
Sunny greetings,